Are Entrepreneurial Leaders Born or Made?
BRG is home to renowned thought leaders and experts considered authorities in their fields of work. Our timely research and perspectives provide analysis and insights on the most important issues facing the industries and organizations we serve.
Generalist vs. Specialist.
Innovator or Manager.
Emotional Intelligence vs. Data Analytics.
Instead of ‘either/or’ in large organizations, management professionals in the most agile firms are hiring people who can develop into entrepreneurial leaders, who have developed a broad set of soft skills. Specialization will get you only so far.
But where do entrepreneurial leaders come from?
CEOs get the most name recognition, but this kind of motivation and vision has to be nurtured at every level of the organization. The ability to spot opportunities, act in a multidisciplinary way and share credit with a team is a critical factor for success in the fast-moving corporate environment.