IT Strategy

We advise in all aspects of structuring IT functions, projects, and investments to ensure that technology is deployed to support core objectives, not wasted on low-value activities.

Technology is only one piece of the puzzle.

The promise of information technology is increased efficiencies, reduced costs, and greater insight into the business. Technology has the power to change business models and even industries. However, none of these promises are delivered without a concerted effort to ensure that technology investments are aligned with business goals.

Technology evolves rapidly, and the new landscape of cloud, “as-a-service,” and Internet-connected everything has provided new opportunities for organizations to seize.

However, the technology is only one piece of the puzzle. People and processes are equally important components of an organization’s overall information technology capability.

BRG advises clients in all aspects of structuring IT functions, projects, and investments to ensure that technology is deployed to support core objectives, not wasted on low-value activities.

BRG’s business-first focus ensures that IT organizations are strategically aligned with their business, oriented around value delivery, appropriately managing resources and risk, and measuring results for visibility and continual performance improvement.

What We Do

  • Strategic Planning and Business Alignment
  • IT Service Management
  • IT Benchmarking
  • Information Governance
  • Information Security
  • Acquisition and Integration Planning
  • IT Effectiveness and Rightsourcing
  • Risk Management
  • Talent Management
  • Alignment of Business Strategy and Technology
  • Issue Facilitation and Remediation
  • Change Management
  • Middle-Management Mentoring and Coaching
  • Interim Executive Services