Meal & Rest Break Compliance
The results of our studies provide guidance to clients and counsel about how to address issues of both class certification and merits, and have been used to design self-audits and other measurement tools to monitor and improve compliance efforts.
Scientifically sound.
BRG Labor and Employment experts have substantial experience regarding the complex issues associated with meal and rest break compliance. The results of our studies provide guidance to clients and counsel about how to address issues of both class certification and merits. The results of BRG studies are also frequently used during active litigation and have been used to design self-audits and other measurement tools to monitor and improve compliance efforts.
Our job studies provide in-depth, detailed information about frequency of missed meal and rest breaks, as well as reasons for missed breaks. The results directly address key issues associated with compliance with applicable state and federal meal and rest break laws. This is especially important because laws differ across states. In addressing this variation, our experts evaluate factors including organizational structure, company policies and procedures, timecard reporting, company audit procedures, histories of complaints, and responses to potential violations.