
BRG Capital Markets Accounting practice (CMAP) professionals have substantial experience conducting, and testifying as expert witnesses in, securities fraud investigations. The CMAP team includes Charles Lundelius, who was asked by the SEC inspector general to lead a team investigating the SEC’s failure to uncover Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme. Subsequently, Mr. Lundelius and his team investigated a Ponzi scheme on behalf of the National Futures Association (see BRG’s investigative report here). In addition, Mr. Lundelius has been recognized as an expert in accounting fraud in numerous courts and proceedings. In 2003, Mr. Lundelius authored Financial Reporting Fraud: A Practical Guide to Detection and Internal Control, peer-reviewed and published by the AICPA, which is used as a textbook in academic and professional courses. The second edition of the book was released in 2010.