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Antitrust & Competition

BRG experts combine a deep understanding of actual market behavior with relevant economic theory and sound empirical research.

Independent and objective

From offices across the United States, continental Europe, and the United Kingdom, BRG experts provide independent and objective testimony to counsel, corporations, and governments around the world in matters involving antitrust litigation, mergers and acquisitions, agency competition reviews, and state aid cases. They have provided testimony and made presentations concerning antitrust issues in US state and federal courts and in meetings and hearings before the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), European Commission, US Department of Justice, UK Competition and Markets Authority, and other tribunals; and before sector-specific regulators.

Our practice’s antitrust litigation experience includes analyzing claims of price fixing, examining the competitive effects of alleged actual or attempted monopolization, anticompetitive tying or bundling, exclusionary practices, and abuse of a dominance; and investigating other competition issues such as those related to alleged price discrimination and predatory pricing. Our experts have significant experience examining economic issues associated with proposed class certification in antitrust matters and analyzing issues related to possible damages associated with all types of antitrust disputes. In addition, BRG provides our litigation clients and their counsel with data and document discovery, data management, and litigation support services.

Who We Are

Our professionals also advise clients on all aspects of agency merger reviews. Our experts have presented analyses and provided testimony concerning the impact of proposed mergers and acquisitions before state and federal competition authorities and other regulatory bodies in the US, as well as regulatory agencies in Europe, Canada, Latin America, Africa, and the Pacific Rim. We have presented analyses regarding cartel matters and other nonmerger investigations and provide advisory services to competition authorities concerning policy issues and the appropriate economic approach to the analysis of specific cases.

What We Do

  • Antitrust Litigation
    • Antitrust class actions
    • Cartels and price fixing
    • Damages
    • Price discrimination
    • Monopolization and vertical restraints
  • Mergers
    • Merger analysis before the European Commission, FTC, UK Competition and Markets Authority, and other venues
  • State Aid