Class Action Litigation
We combine a deep understanding of actual market behavior, relevant economic theory, and soundly based empirical research to deliver the highest-quality independent and objective testimony and advice to counsel and corporations concerning class action issues.

BRG experts have substantial experience providing independent and objective testimony and consulting services in class action litigation. BRG experts have served as testifying expert witnesses and consultants in class actions concerning a wide variety of matters, including direct and indirect purchaser antitrust cases and securities, wage and hour, consumer protection, and breach-of-contract actions.
Who We Are
BRG experts include highly credentialed academics and experienced industry and government leaders, as well as seasoned consultants with a deep knowledge of economics, finance, industrial organization, and statistics. They combine a deep understanding of actual market behavior, relevant economic theory, and soundly based empirical research to deliver the highest-quality independent and objective testimony and advice to counsel and corporations concerning class action issues.