Shana Logue

Managing Director of Business Development

Shana Logue has over twenty years of experience in the healthcare industry, working with healthcare providers and insurers on a wide range of initiatives including dispute resolution, compliance, and performance improvement.

Currently, Ms. Logue serves as the Marketing Business Development managing director for the Healthcare practice. She oversees the marketing strategy for hundreds of global experts, ensuring their expertise is aligned with emerging industry trends and client-specific needs. Her responsibilities span sponsorships, advertising, proposals, social media presence, and event management.

In addition to her role at BRG, Ms. Logue holds prominent leadership positions. She serves on the planning committee for the ABA Health Law Section’s Emerging Issues in Healthcare Conference and acts as sponsor liaison to the Managed Care and Litigation Interest Groups. She is the founder of the Austin Chapter of the Women’s White Collar Defense Association (WWCDA) and serves on the planning committees for the ABA FCA Mock Trial Institute and The Health Law Roundtable.

Within BRG, Ms. Logue spearheads the firm’s involvement with the WWCDA, a key diversity, equity, and inclusion and women’s leadership initiative, and has developed a comprehensive system for tracking return on interest metrics for this and other BRG sponsorships. Her efforts ensure that BRG’s strategic partnerships not only promote diversity and inclusion but also deliver measurable impact in line with the firm’s business objectives.

Ms. Logue previously served at the Mission Control Office at the Seton Healthcare Family, a hospital system in Austin, Texas. She led a team of five consultants in identifying and implementing value propositions to increase revenues, reduce costs, and measure ongoing direct impact to the bottom line. While she was in this role, Seton realized $37 million in bottom-line impact through value propositions.

Prior to Seton, Ms. Logue was with Navigant Consulting, where she worked with clients on health insurer/healthcare provider disputes, revenue cycle performance improvement, and HIPAA privacy compliance. She served as the market leader responsible for new business development for the southwestern United States (TX, CO, OK, NM, AZ, and UT).

Employment History

Seton Family of Hospitals
Director, Mission Control Office

Navigant Consulting
Associate director

Advisory Board

BKD Janus Healthcare

University Hospital, Denver|
Admissions associate

Areas of Expertise