Rick Chamberlain
Rick Chamberlain is an oil and gas professional with deep experience in unconventional resource valuation, unconventional and conventional resource assessment, monetization strategy development, field development planning, and mega-project management.
He has experience in more than twenty-five countries representing capital investments of more than $200 billion. In addition, he has significant experience in oil and gas bankruptcy and dispute litigation.
Mr. Chamberlain has advised corporate leadership and financial teams on unconventional oil and gas asset valuation (buy-side), resource assessment, production evaluation, capital requirements, field development planning, and economic impact assessment.
Examples include properties in the Marcellus, Upper Devonian, and Utica fields in Pennsylvania, the Eagle Ford, stacked plays (Spraberry, Bone Spring Wolfberry, Wolfcamp, Cline Shale, etc.) in the Permian Basin, the Bakken play in North Dakota, the Niobrara play in Colorado and Wyoming, the Bone Spring/Avalon field in New Mexico and Texas, the Granite Wash field in Oklahoma and Texas, the Horn River field in British Columbia, the Montney field in British Columbia and Alberta, Coal Bed Methane in Queensland, Australia, and the Vaca Muerta in Argentina.
Mr. Chamberlain also has direct industry exploration experience, including developing and implementing Chevron’s Alaska Exploration strategy. This included negotiating farmouts, A&D, and overall budget control. He and his team mapped the Chukchi Sea for the first offshore lease sale and led negotiations for a major joint venture. This included determination of the relative value of producing properties, stranded gas, and rank exploration leases including quantifying the geologic, geophysical, and political risks inherent in projects on the Alaska North Slope and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).
Other industry responsibilities include Gulf of Mexico exploration and development, development geology in Wyoming thrust belt, development geology of heavy oil fields in California, technical support for EOR projects in the Los Angeles Basin, and divestures of producing properties in California.
Employment History
IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates
Vice president of E&P consulting
2007 – 2014
Strategic Decisions Group
2001 – 2007
1999 – 2001
Chevron Corporation
Senior team leader
1980 – 1999
Iowa State University
MS, Geology
BS, Geology