Dr. Karen Nelson is the M.J. Neeley Professor of Accounting in the Neeley School of Business at Texas Christian University.

Dr. Nelson is an internationally recognized scholar with a focus on financial reporting and disclosure issues, including the role of regulators, auditors, and private securities litigation in monitoring financial reporting quality. She has lectured at numerous conferences and business schools in the US and abroad, and has published her research in leading journals in accounting, finance, and law. She is also an award-winning teacher and coauthor of three textbooks.

Dr. Nelson earned her PhD from the University of Michigan and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Colorado. Before joining TCU, she served on the faculty at Stanford University and Rice University, and as a visiting professor at the University of Michigan. A Certified Public Accountant, she is a past member of the Standing Advisory Group of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.

Dr. Nelson can be contacted by email through Rob Maher, a managing director at BRG.

Employment History

Texas Christian University
Neeley School of Business

Rice University
Professor, Jones Graduate School of Business

Stanford University
Professor, Graduate School of Business

University of Michigan,
Visiting Professor, Ross School of Business

Deloitte & Touche