Jeanette Cross

Managing Director

Jeanette Cross has over twenty years of healthcare and management experience in reimbursement, auditing, and consulting at Big Four professional services firms and other national consulting firms.

She has managed consulting services such as regulatory and rate-setting engagements, payment reform, certificate-of-need applications, Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) reimbursement methodology issues, financial projections, case-mix analyses, severity-based coding audits, clinical documentation improvement programs, and charge master/charge capture services.

Ms. Cross also has three years of management experience as director of Reimbursement at Anne Arundel Health System. At Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis, Maryland, she oversaw regulatory reporting (CMS and HSCRC), rate setting, cost accounting, coding, charge master maintenance, and coding charge practices as they related to reimbursement compliance.

Case Work
Bundling Readmissions

Working with an academic medical center’s transformation team, BRG led a successful statewide effort to bundle readmissions into 30-day case rates that included both the initial admission and readmission.