Henry Miller
Henry Miller has worked on healthcare issues for more than forty-five years, specializing in public policy and regulatory analysis, strategic planning, and the design of provider payment systems.
He has provided expert testimony to the US Congress and state legislatures; in federal, state, and local courts; and in arbitration proceedings.
Dr. Miller directed several public policy and regulatory analysis projects for the US Department of Health and Human Services, including programs managed by the Office of Women’s Health, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), National Center for Health Statistics, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), and National Institutes of Health, as well as for other clients.
He was the economic advisor to the Alaska Department of Insurance in its review of the application by Premera Blue Cross to convert to for-profit status. He directed key elements of the work conducted by the Governor’s Commission for Rationalizing Healthcare in New Jersey, and he assisted several primary care trusts and strategic health authorities in the United Kingdom as they addressed changes in National Health Service requirements.
Dr. Miller’s work on provider payment systems includes work for government agencies and health plans. He was a member of the Medicare oversight committee for the development of the practice expense component of the Resource Based Relative Value Scale physician fee schedule. He assisted the federal government on several projects related to the development of the Medicare Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System and directed a project to assess opportunities to improve the Medicare Inpatient Prospective Payment System. He has designed hospital, physician, and pharmacy payment systems for several Medicaid programs and more than twenty-five health plans.
Employment History
Managing director
2008 – 2010
Navigant Consulting, Inc.
Managing director
2002 – 2008
Center for Health Policy Studies
1978 – 2002
University of Illinois
PhD, Economics and Accounting
City College of New York
MBA, Accounting
BBA, Accounting
Case Work
BRG experts have worked on engagements for hospitals or health providers involved in disputes over reimbursement rates for both contracted and non-contracted services.
BRG has been retained in several cases relating to payments made by health insurers to providers that are not in their provider networks (out-of-network reimbursement).
BRG’s work focuses on addressing changes in traditional reimbursement approaches, as well as development of provider payment innovations related to health reform.