David S. Evans
Dr. David S. Evans is an economist whose work on platform businesses, the digital economy, financial services, and antitrust economics is widely cited.
Dr. Evans has served as a testifying expert on numerous antitrust matters in the United States and other jurisdictions, including several landmark cases. He has made submissions to, and appearances before, antitrust and regulatory authorities with respect to antitrust, mergers, and related matters in the US, European Union, China, and Korea, among others.
Dr. Evans’ academic work focuses on industrial organization, including antitrust economics, with a particular expertise in platform businesses and the digital economy. He has authored nine books, including the award-winning Matchmakers: The New Economics of Multisided Business, and more than 150 articles and handbook chapters in these areas. The US Supreme Court cited his work on multisided platforms and payment systems extensively in State of Ohio v. American Express.
Dr. Evans has taught courses related to antitrust economics, multisided platforms, and the digital economy. From 2004 to 2022, he was the co-executive director of the Jevons Institute for Competition Law and Economics and a visiting professor at University College London. He has also taught antitrust economics at The University of Chicago Law School and Fordham Law School.
Dr. Evans also has worked on matters involving platform and digital businesses, intellectual property, financial markets, payment systems, telcoms, media, healthcare, and others. In the US, across all matters, he has testified in federal and state courts, arbitration panels, and Congress.
University of Chicago
PhD, MA, Economics
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