Dr. Dante Quaglione holds a PhD in economics and has worked as an economist and strategist for over twenty-five years, primarily as a senior expert with leading global economic consultancies.

He has advised clients in the European Union, Africa, the Americas, Asia, and the Middle East. His expertise spans the entire realm of applied economics, including:

  • Private antitrust litigation (e.g., card schemes, heavy duty detergents, Forex manipulation)
  • Innovation economics, novel market failures (i.e., coordination failures and time-inconsistent policies), and dynamic efficiency (including FRAND policy, licensing, and litigation)
  • Abuse of dominance (predation and margin squeeze in the energy, telecommunications and media, and airport industries, exclusionary practices in big data)
  • Public policy (policy design, policy implementation, and policy impact analyses at the industry, ecosystem, and macroeconomic levels)
  • Company, license, and concession valuation (in the energy and transport industries)
  • Regulatory design and implementation (electricity, gas, telecommunications and media, airports, railways, and motorway industries)
  • Labour economics and policy (labour market analysis, jobless growth, labour policies in advanced and emerging economies, including minimum wage policy)

Dr. Quaglione’s expertise also extends to business strategy and implementation, with emphasis on complex and uncertain business environments (i.e., modern business ecosystems) prompted by fast-paced innovation, which he addresses through the David Teece’s Dynamic Capabilities framework.

Dr. Quaglione leverages advanced modeling capabilities, which he tailors to the client and the specifics of the case, in order to help address complex problems at the intersection of business strategy, ecosystem analysis, and public policy. To this purpose, he has developed a quantitative strategy practice involving the creation and the calibration of partial and general equilibrium models in support of fully informed business and policy decisions. Such models have been used to assess the impact on value creation prompted by different national regulatory authorities’ provisions, regulatory strategies, market developments, business scenarios, technology choices, and cross-border transactions. His current research interests focus on FRAND policy, innovation-related market failures, and class certification.

Dr. Quaglione has extensive experience in giving evidence, having been appointed as a testifying expert before regulatory, civil, and criminal courts. He has been also involved in proceedings adopting a concurrent evidence format (colloquially known as “hot tubbing”).
As an instructor, Dr. Quaglione has taught many economics courses (e.g., microeconomics, macroeconomics, economic policy, industrial organization, money and banking, development economics) for over a decade at New York University, the University of Rome “Tor Vergata,” and the LUISS University of Rome.


New York University
PhD, Economics
MA, Economics

Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali (LUISS), Rome
Laurea (magna cum laude), Business Economics