The Honorable Branko Terzic is an internationally recognized regulator, management consultant, and expert witness in the energy, public utility, and infrastructure industries.

He has experience in the electric, natural gas pipeline and distribution, liquefied natural gas (LNG), oil pipeline, hydroelectric, and water utility industries.

Mr. Terzic’s areas of expertise are national and international utility regulation, valuation and depreciation, rate and tariff studies, and regulatory policy for conventional, renewable, and distributed electricity resources.

Mr. Terzic’s four-decade career has included service as a commissioner on the State of Wisconsin Public Service Commission and Commissioner for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; international and domestic consulting to management and governments; and experience as the chairman, president, and chief executive officer of an NYSE-listed holding company with a subsidiary regulated public utility and unregulated operations.

In the United States, Mr. Terzic has experience as an expert witness before state public-service commissions and committees of Congress. His international energy experience includes serving as regional managing partner for a major professional services and audit firm in central and eastern Europe and chairmanship of an international committee of experts on cleaner electricity under the UN Economic Commission for Europe.

Additional experience includes:

  • Development and leadership of a stakeholder and issues workshop for management employees of a Midwestern investor-owned electric utility
  • Development and presentation of three- and five-day training programs in electric utility regulation for management employees of three US investor-owned electric utilities
  • Preparation of comprehensive restructuring study and program for commercialization of a state-owned electric utility system in Eastern Europe in advance of European Union membership
  • Development of a privatization plan for a state-owned Eastern European electric utility system
  • Recommendation of plan for the creation of an independent regulatory agency for the electric industry in a Caribbean nation
  • Preparation of a study of options for funding nuclear power decommissioning for an Asian government
  • Preparation of a study of options for treatment of potential stranded costs in the electric power industry for the government of an Asian country
  • Presentation of current strategic issues in the electric power industry based on global trends for the board of directors of a state-owned electric system
  • Executive coaching and training for new CXO officer of a multi-state investor-owned utility in electric utility regulation and strategic issues
  • Testimony before a state public-service commission on FERC natural gas pipeline regulatory policy for an investor-owned natural gas distribution system
  • Testimony before a state public-service commission on state regulatory policy concerning affiliate interest transactions for an investor-owned natural gas distribution company
  • Testimony before a state public-service commission on depreciation policy and rates for an investor-owned telephone system
  • Testimony before a state public-service commission on decommissioning costs for a nuclear power plant
Employment History

Branko Terzic & Associates, Inc.
2014 – 2015

Deloitte Center for Energy Solutions
Executive director
2012 – 2014

Deloitte Services LP
Regulatory policy leader
1999 – 2014

Deloitte & Touche Central Europe LLP
Regional managing partner of resources, energy & infrastructure
1999 – 2004

Yankee Energy System, Inc.
Chairman, president and CEO
1994 – 1998

Arthur Andersen Economic Consulting
Managing director
1993 -1994

US  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
1990 – 1993

AUS Consultants
Group vice president
1986 – 1990

State of Wisconsin Public Service Commission
1981 – 1986

Terzic and Mayer Public Utility Consulants
1979 – 1981

Associated Utility Services, Inc.
Vice president
1976 – 1979

American Appraisal Associates, Inc.
Staff appraiser
1969 – 1971, 1974 – 1976

Wisconsin Electric Power Company
Special investigations engineer
1972 – 1974