Aaron Howell is a senior advisor at BRG, based in Perth, Western Australia and Singapore. Mr. Howell has more than twenty-five years of international experience working in and advising on the energy industry.

A former managing director at a leading global investment bank and senior executive at a tier one multinational oil and gas corporation, Mr. Howell leverages this unique combination of industry and transactional experience to provide energy industry and valuation and damages expert services to law firms and their clients. He has experience advising on disputes, including acting as an expert witness.

As a gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG) expert with more than two decades of hands-on experience in relation to the supply and pricing of gas and LNG, Mr. Howell is well placed to provide expert advice and testimony in gas and LNG pricing disputes. He has been involved in all stages of the gas and LNG commercialization path, from contract and pricing negotiation through to price reviews and pricing and supply disputes. His depth of experience makes him uniquely qualified to opine on the most pressing gas and LNG disputes issues arising in today’s market.

Mr. Howell is an exploration and production expert, having advised the spectrum of stakeholders from host governments, national oil companies, state-owned enterprises, international oil companies, junior and startup companies, private equity investors, lenders, and regulators. He analyzes the commercial perspectives and drivers of the energy market and its players. His depth of experience enables him to opine on valuation, joint-venture, fiscal agreement, and good oilfield practice.

Employment History

Department of Finance – Abu Dhabi
Energy Advisor
2023 – present

Rothschild & Co.
Senior advisor, head of oil & gas, Asia – Perth & Singapore
2018 – 2023

Howell & Co. Petroleum Advisors
Managing director, Perth & Singapore
2014 – present

Rothschild & Co.
Managing director, head of oil & gas, Asia – Singapore
2015 – 2018

Citigroup Global Markets
Director, oil and gas investment banking, Singapore

Standard Chartered Bank
Director, oil and gas corporate advisory, Singapore & Perth
2010 – 2012

Harrison Lovegrove & Co.
Director, head of Australia – Perth

Shell International Exploration & Production B.V.
Commercial and investment finance manager, The Hague

Shell Compañía Argentina de Petróleo
Shell Southern Cone gas and power commercial and planning manager / governance manager, M&A advisor / economics manager – Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro

Shell Development Australia
M&A advisor / finance and planning manager / commercial and economics advisor