BRG Review (Winter 2018)

BRG is home to renowned thought leaders and experts considered authorities in their fields of work. Our timely research and perspectives provide analysis and insights on the most important issues facing the industries and organizations we serve.
Welcome to the eighth issue of the BRG Review, an official publication of BRG. This publication reviews several topics based on independent analysis by our authors. The breadth of material covered provides insight into some of the varied and interesting ongoing research performed around the world by experts and staff throughout BRG. Our experts comprise academics and private-sector professionals in fields including economics, finance, healthcare, and data analytics. BRG has over 1,100 professionals in more than forty offices worldwide who apply innovative methodologies and analyses to complex problems in the business and legal arenas.
In our first paper, Greg Russo and attorney Katie Pawlitz address the role of data analytics in fraud investigations in the healthcare industry, both proactively by providers and during the course of a government investigation. The role of sampling in False Claims Act investigations and litigation is also explored in-depth, including a review of case law regarding the legality of sampling for use in addressing liability and damages.
In our second paper, Samuel Brott, Michele Martin, and Audrey Boles provide detailed reviews of five influential papers regarding market definition for use in antitrust investigations and litigation. They review key contributions of each paper and some of the critiques that the core idea in each paper has faced. The authors are current and former staff members at BRG and highlight the depth of talent that exists within BRG.
In our last paper, Tito Cardoso provides a strategy for investment that firms may employ when facing restricted access to capital. This self-financing strategy envisions splitting a project into stages such that the investment required at any time to advance the project is smaller.
Visit the BRG Review page for more information and past issues.
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