
Publication | BRG Healthcare Transactions & Strategy

The Menopausal Care Market

Bryan Cote and Hannah Landi

September 2024

Many of the 1.2 million US women who enter menopause each year are growing frustrated with poor primary care, and some are leaving their primary care providers and OBGYNs in search of alternatives to improve their quality of life. With only one menopause specialist for every 32,000 US women, there’s a need for investment in the space.

Mismanaged menopause is quickly driving up healthcare costs and leading to long-term underlying health issues. However, some healthcare payers are starting to recognize the problem and importance of contracting with menopause-dedicated platforms.

BRG analysis provides a look at developments in the menopausal care market, including virtual care models, new pharmaceuticals, and investment opportunities.

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Bryan R. Cote

Managing Director

New York