

2024 AHLA Healthcare Transactions Conference

Nashville, Tennessee

April 15-17, 2024

On April 15, Jerry Chang spoke on the panel “The Future Is Now: Navigating State Healthcare Transaction Regulatory Review Processes” with Courtney Aladro and Ari Markenson.

Alyson Wooten discussed “How to Keep a Government Investigation from Derailing Your Transaction” with Jay Lynch and David Douglass (April 15) and Chris Papagianakis and Dave Douglass (April 17).

BRG was a proud sponsor of the conference.

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BRG Experts

Related Professionals

Jerry M. Chang

Managing Director

Atlanta, Midtown

Alyson Wooten

Managing Director

Washington, DC

Shana Logue

Director of Business Development

Washington, DC

Angie Smith

Associate Director
