About BRG

Corporate Social Responsibility

BRG’s commitment to corporate social responsibility means continuously looking for opportunities to make a positive contribution in our local and global communities.

Making a positive contribution
in our local and global communities

Corporate Social Responsibility

BRG’s commitment to corporate social responsibility means continuously looking for opportunities to make a positive contribution in our local and global communities. It also means ensuring that our policies and procedures for conducting business reflect our values as a high-integrity business organization.

To affirm this commitment, in 2017, BRG’s Board of Managers endorsed the firm’s decision to adopt the principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), a strategic policy initiative for organizations that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies to UN goals aimed at building a sustainable and inclusive global economy. We joined a group of leading international professional services firms that have adopted the UNGC as an affirmation of their commitment to corporate social responsibility.

Since its inception, BRG has operated in a manner consistent with these goals. We strive to advance the UNGC’s ten universally accepted principles covering human rights, the environment, and anti-corruption through our approach to business and our engagement with our stakeholders and communities.